All Stories

  1. Tech

    Atomic Drive

    Chemists have assembled atoms into tiny molecular cars that motor across a gold surface.

  2. Planets

    Lakes on Titan

    Saturn's giant moon Titan appears to be sprinkled with lakes of liquid methane.

  3. Space

    Dead star exploding

    Huge nuclear explosions have ripped the outer layers off a dense, nearby star.

  4. Animals

    Ants on Stilts

    Some ants appear to estimate distances by keeping track of the number of steps they take.

  5. Archaeology

    Sahara cemetery

    Archaeologists uncover the remains of a Stone Age settlement in the Sahara desert.

  6. Animals

    Feeding School for Meerkats

    Meerkats teach their young how to catch and kill prey such as scorpions and spiders.

  7. Climate

    Hot summers, wild fires

    Rising temperatures and earlier snowmelts in the western United States have intensified forest fires.

  8. Oceans

    Surf watch

    Figuring out the waves and the wind is an important part of surfing.

  9. Fossils

    Supersight for a Dino King

    Tyrannosaurus rex had some of the best vision in animal history.

  10. Space

    Banana Split in Space

    Astronomers have spotted an odd pair of banana-shaped features in a planet-forming cloud around a nearby star.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Sun screen

    Too much exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can damage human skin. That's why doctors recommend people who will be outdoors for long hours in the summer sun protect their skin.

  12. Fossils

    An Ancient Spider’s Web

    The diets of some spiders haven't changed much in millions of years.
