Scientists Say

A weekly word defined, in a sentence and in context.

  1. Earth

    Scientists Say: Ozone

    Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. In a layer above the Earth, it protects us from harmful radiation, but too close to home, it can harm our health.

  2. Earth

    Scientists Say: Speleology

    This is the scientific study of caves, which can include what they’re made of, how they form and what lives in them.

  3. Agriculture

    Scientists Say: Domestication

    Domestication is the process of deliberately taking a wild organism — a plant or animal for instance — and making it a part of our daily lives.

  4. Microbes

    Scientists Say: Biofilm

    When times get tough, some microbes like to stick together. They form a mass stuck to a surface, called a biofilm.

  5. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Photochromic

    Photochromic chemicals change shape when exposed to a specific wavelength of light. The shape change changes the chemical’s color.

  6. Brain

    Scientists Say: Amygdala

    Named after the Greek word for “almond,” the amygdala helps us process emotions, make decisions and form memories.

  7. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Catalyst

    Sometimes a chemical reaction can take a while. If speed is needed, a catalyst can help.

  8. Physics

    Scientists Say: Acoustic

    Acoustic is an adjective used to describe something involving sound. It’s also a noun that refers to the branch of physics that studies sound.

  9. Animals

    Scientists Say: Extremophile

    Some species can survive high heat, freezing cold or other extreme environments. Scientists call these organisms extremophiles.

  10. Genetics

    Scientists Say: Chromosome

    This threadlike structure is made of DNA wrapped around protein. It allows the 3 billion base pairs in human DNA to stay neatly packaged in a cell.

  11. Earth

    Scientists Say: Continent

    A continent is a large land mass. Geologists recognize six of them — Africa, Antarctica, Eurasia, Australia, North America and South America.

  12. Life

    Scientists Say: Mitochondrion

    Mitochondria are structures inside cells that converts certain chemicals into adenosine triphosphate — a molecule cells use as energy.
