Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

  1. Animals

    These killer whales exhale sickening germs

    A group of endangered killer whales are exhaling disease-causing germs. Researchers worry these microbes could make the animals sick.

  2. Fossils

    Fossils offer new candidate for earliest life

    Rock unearthed in Canada appears to hold fossils from seafloor microbes that would have lived around 4 billion years ago, when Earth was very young.

  3. Science & Society

    Fossils point to Neandertal diets — and medicine use

    Whether Neandertals were largely meat-eaters or vegans depended on their environment, fossils now suggest. Their teeth also indicate they used natural medicines.

  4. Genetics

    World’s tallest corn towers nearly 14 meters

    Short nights and a genetic tweak helped novel corn reach record heights.

  5. Fossils

    Dinosaur tail preserved in amber — feathers and all

    Scientists have found the tail of a dinosaur trapped in amber. It includes both feathers and identifiable bits of bone.

  6. Animals

    Animals can do ‘almost math’

    Humans aren’t the only animals with a number sense. Scientists are trying to figure out where and when it evolved.

  7. Fossils

    Speckled dino spurs debate about ancient animals’ colors

    Structures found in fossil dinosaur skin may give clues to the creatures’ colors and how they lived. But not all scientists agree on how to interpret what they see.

  8. Fossils

    Dino brain found ‘pickled’ in boggy swamp

    Scientists claim to have identified the first fossil brain tissue from a dinosaur.

  9. Genetics

    Human DNA carries hints of unknown extinct ancestor

    A new study suggests people today carry genetic traces of now-extinct species unknown to science.

  10. Climate

    Globe’s non-Africans all descend from a single move out of Africa

    Look back far enough and everybody’s ancestors were African no more than 72,000 years ago. Climate scientists would up that date to perhaps 100,000 years ago.

  11. Animals

    Tasmanian devils begin to resist infectious cancer

    A deadly contagious cancer is spreading among Tasmanian devils. But the animals are evolving resistance, a new study finds.

  12. Life

    Scientists watch germs evolve into superbugs

    To study how bacteria can evolve resistance to a wide variety of drugs, scientists spread the germs on a food-filled plate the size of a foosball table. Then, they watched resistance rise.
