Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

  1. Climate

    Concerns about Earth’s fever

    Burning fossil fuels is causing the planet to heat up, causing weather patterns to change, sea levels to rise and diseases to spread.

  2. Agriculture

    Profile: A human touch for animals

    Temple Grandin uses her own autism to understand how animals think. The animal scientist is famous for fostering the humane treatment of livestock.

  3. Environment

    Wildlife forensics turns to eDNA

    Environmental DNA, or eDNA, tells biologists what species have been around — even when they’re out of sight or have temporarily moved on.

  4. Genetics

    Taking attendance with eDNA

    Environmental DNA, or eDNA, tells biologists what species are in an area — even when they’re out of sight.

  5. Chemistry

    Some air pollutants seep through skin

    The skin is the body’s largest organ. And it can let in as much or more of certain air pollutants than enter through the lungs, a new study finds.

  6. Microbes

    Slime cities

    Biofilms are like tiny cities of bacteria — some harmless, others destructive. Scientists are learning how to keep these microscopic metropolises under control.

  7. Fossils

    Clues to the Great Dying

    Millions of years ago, nearly all life on Earth vanished. Scientists are now starting to figure out what happened.

  8. Brain

    Explainer: What is anxiety?

    Anxiety is the stress linked to worries about an upcoming event — one that may not even happen. But anxiety can affect the body every bit as much as does the stress provoked by staring down a hungry lion.

  9. Animals

    News Brief: Bees prefer caffeine-spiked nectar

    Bees usually alert friends to sources of especially sweet nectar. But a new study finds caffeine is every bit as appealing to them as the sugar is. And that could compromise the quality of their honey.

  10. Environment

    Humans are ‘superpredators’

    A new study compares the hunting habits of wild animals and humans. People, it turns out, are unlike any other predator on Earth.

  11. Animals

    Wolves beat dogs at problem-solving test

    When treats are at stake, wolves outperformed dogs at opening a closed container. The dog’s relationship with humans may explain why.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Cool Jobs: Finding foods for the future

    What's for dinner... tomorrow? Scientists are developing new foods to meet the demands of the growing population in a changing world.
