Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits

More Stories in Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits

  1. Plants

    Scientists Say: Fertilize

    This word describes both a stage of sexual reproduction and the agricultural practice of adding nutrients to soil.

  2. Life

    Scientists Say: Mycelium

    These fibrous networks are the reason plants think fungi are such "fun guys.”

  3. Animals

    Explainer: What is animal domestication?

    The difference between a dog and a wolf isn’t looks or genes or even behavior. It’s the relationship these animals have with people.

  4. Genetics

    Experiment: Are fingerprint patterns inherited?

    Let’s investigate whether fingerprint patterns are created randomly or whether they are influenced by genetics.

  5. Animals

    This biologist uses microwave radiation to save endangered species

    Pei-Chih Lee works to preserve genetic material that can help researchers learn more about endangered animals, such as pandas and clouded leopards.

  6. These lemurs take nose-picking to a new level

    A nose-picking aye-aye’s spindly middle digit probably pokes all the way into the back of the throat, CT scans show.

  7. Animals

    A love of small mammals drives this scientist

    Alexis Mychajliw’s science is driven by her love of animals. She now looks to tar pits and fossilized poop to understand ancient ecosystems.

  8. Humans

    Let’s learn about Neandertals

    Neandertals are an extinct species closely related to modern humans. They made tools and jewelry, controlled fires and cared for their sick.

  9. Archaeology

    Neandertals were a lot like our human ancestors

    From toolmaking to healthcare, new research finds that Neandertals shared many cultural and social similarities with our human ancestors.
