
Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

  1. Microbes

    Some deep-seafloor microbes still alive after 100 million years!

    Some starving microbes nap while awaiting their next meal. For some living miles below the ocean surface, that nap may exceed 100 million years.

  2. Environment

    Busy beavers may be speeding thaw of Arctic permafrost

    As climate change continues, busy beavers are expanding their range in Alaska. Their dams could further speed the loss of permafrost there and promote local warming.

  3. Animals

    Toxic germs on its skin make this newt deadly

    Bacteria living on the skin of some rough-skinned newts make tetrodotoxin. This paralyzing poison is also found in pufferfish.

  4. Tech

    Our gut microbes love a good workout

    Technology shows how microbes in the body respond to exercise. That helps scientists understand why those microbes keep athletes healthy.

  5. Environment

    Greener than burial? Turning human bodies into worm food

    Composting human bodies yielded good results — and good soil — in one small study. It could become an alternative to burial or cremation in one state.

  6. Science & Society

    Science isn’t just for scientists

    It doesn’t take an advanced degree or a lab to do science. All you need is curiosity and an interest in learning something new every day.

  7. Ecosystems

    Newfound desert soil community lives on sips of fog

    Lichens and other fungi and algae team up to form a 'grit-crust' on the parched soil of Chile’s Atacama Desert. Those species slake their thirst with moisture from coastal fog.

  8. Oceans

    Small swimmers may play huge role in churning the seas

    Hoards of migrating shrimp and krill can cause large-scale water movements in the ocean, a new study suggests.

  9. Environment

    Trees can make summer ozone levels much worse

    The greenery can release chemicals into the air that react with combustion pollutants to make ozone. And trees release more of those chemicals where it gets really hot, a new study finds.

  10. Microbes

    World’s deepest zoo harbors clues to extraterrestrial life

    Scientists have found a wide range of life deep below Earth’s surface. The discoveries could help inform our search for life on other planets.

  11. Science & Society

    Cool Jobs: New tools to solve crimes

    Future investigators may identify criminals by the microbes they leave behind or by using DNA-like evidence from strands of their hair.

  12. Ecosystems

    America’s duck lands: These ‘potholes’ are under threat

    North America’s prairies are in trouble. Scientists race against the clock for clues about how to save the plants — and animals — that call it home.
