Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.

  1. Health & Medicine

    First drug is found to block the new coronavirus

    A series of new trials show that the antiviral drug remdesivir offers promise in speeding the recovery of patients with COVID-19.

  2. Tech

    Here’s one way to harvest water right out of the air

    Need water but you have no access to rain, lakes or groundwater? Materials known as metal-organic frameworks could be used to slurp that water from the air, new data show.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Six foot social-distancing will not always be enough for COVID-19

    To avoid COVID-19, keeping a 6-foot social distance is a good rule of thumb. But for plenty of instances, that might not be nearly far enough.

  4. Health & Medicine

    New ultrasound treatment kills off cancer cells

    Low-frequency ultrasound destroys cancer cells while leaving most healthy cells intact.

  5. Physics

    Soap bubbles’ ‘pop’ reveals the physics of the bursts

    A bubble’s pop is a quiet, high-pitched noise. This can reveal the forces that occur during the bubble’s demise.

  6. Brain

    Zapping the brain may make it work right again

    Sending electrical zaps to electrodes implanted deep in the brain can help people with Parkinson’s disease, depression and even obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  7. Chemistry

    Converting trash to valuable graphene in a flash

    Flash heating of carbon-rich wastes creates graphene, which has many commercial uses.

  8. Science & Society

    Science isn’t just for scientists

    It doesn’t take an advanced degree or a lab to do science. All you need is curiosity and an interest in learning something new every day.

  9. Physics

    There’s science to making great fried rice

    Scientists report finding the physics that seems to explain how chefs can quickly fry rice over a hot flame without burning the food.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Search speeds up for vaccine against the new coronavirus

    Scientists are investigating unusual ways to make drugs to prevent viral infections. One may even be able to treat already sick people.

  11. Science & Society

    Do school-shooter drills hurt students more than they help?

    There’s no set standard for shooter drills held at most U.S. schools. Experts are beginning to ask whether certain drills might hurt students more than they help.

  12. Health & Medicine

    New spray gel moves drugs deep to treat frostbite

    New gel spray sends healing ingredients deep into frostbite injuries to promote healing.
