
Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

  1. Life

    Explainer: Cells and their parts

    Life as we know it depends on the coordination of structures inside cells — whether a living thing has only a single cell or trillions of them.

  2. Animals

    La nutria soporta el frío, sin un cuerpo grande ni capa de grasa

    Al mamífero más pequeño del mar no le es fácil mantenerse caliente. Ahora, los científicos han descubierto cómo sus células responden al desafío.

  3. Animals

    A new drug mix helps frogs regrow amputated legs

    The treatment helped frogs grow working limbs useful for swimming, standing and kicking. It’ll be a while before people can do that.

  4. Animals

    See the world through a jumping spider’s eyes — and other senses

    Scientists are teasing out the many ways the spiders’ vision, listening and taste senses differ from ours

  5. Animals

    Living mysteries: Why teeny-weeny tardigrades are tough as nails

    Tardigrades often live in cool, damp moss. Their cushy life has somehow prepared them to survive the lethal radiation of outer space.

  6. Life

    In blazing heat, some plants open leaf pores — and risk death

    When heat waves and droughts collide, water is precious. Some thirsty plants try to cool off by opening tiny pores — only to lose water even faster.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Let’s learn about snot

    For humans, snot plays a key role in fighting off diseases. Other animals have found different uses for the slimy stuff.

  8. Ecosystems

    Secret forest fungi partner with plants — and help the climate

    Forest fungi are far more than mere mushrooms. They explore. They move nutrients and messages between plants. They can even help fight climate change.

  9. Plants

    Scientists Say: Phloem

    Phloem is tissue that delivers food, made in leaves during photosynthesis, to the rest of a plant.

  10. Genetics

    Explainer: What is RNA?

    A partner to DNA, cells use this molecule to translate the instructions for making all of the many proteins that your body needs to function.

  11. Plants

    Well-known wildflower turns out to be a secret meat-eater

    Look closely at Triantha occidentalis, and you’ll see gluey hairs — and a trail of insect corpses on its stem.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Tonsils

    The tonsils are pads of tissue in the throat that are part of the body’s immune system.
