
Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.

  1. Health & Medicine

    ‘Ringing’ in the ears may signal serious ear damage

    A persistent ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, has become common in teens — and may point to eventual, permanent hearing loss.

  2. Fossils

    Dino brain found ‘pickled’ in boggy swamp

    Scientists claim to have identified the first fossil brain tissue from a dinosaur.

  3. Brain

    Pain is contagious — at least in mice

    Pain can move from one mouse to another. The trigger may be smell.

  4. Brain

    These scientists are getting inside your head

    You brain might only weigh few pounds, but there’s a whole world in there. Meet the women in science who are digging into the mysteries of the mind.

  5. Brain

    Cool Jobs: Video game creators

    Meet an engineer who worked on StarCraft II, an expert building a new kind of reality and a neuroscientist who uses games as brain therapy.

  6. Brain

    Good dog! Canine brains separate tone of speech from its meaning

    Dogs brains divide up the tasks of interpreting words and interpreting emotion. It’s a skill that may have evolved even before people did.

  7. Tech

    One day, computers may decode your dreams

    Scientists are learning how to translate brain activity into words and thoughts. This may one day allow people to control devices with their minds.

  8. Brain

    Explainer: How to read brain activity

    Electricity underlies the chattering of brain cells. Here’s how scientists eavesdrop on those conversations.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Blame your ‘environment’ for your taste in music

    Some scientists had thought we are born with our musical tastes. But a new study finds that what the ear prefers depends on what we listened to as we were growing up.

  10. Health & Medicine

    To remember something new: Exercise!

    People who exercised strenuously for a half hour after learning something new cemented those memories. But the trick: Wait four hours before getting the heart pumping vigorously.

  11. Brain

    Hormone affects how teens’ brains control emotions

    Using scans of brain activity, scientists show that surging hormones drive where emotions get processed in a teen’s brain.

  12. Brain

    Teen drinking may damage ability to cope with stress

    Teens are often tempted to drink alcohol. Drinking too much — and repeatedly — can hurt their ability to manage stress, a study in rats indicates.
