All Stories

  1. Tech

    Morphing a Wing to Save Fuel

    Airplanes of the future might change the shape of their wings as they fly.

  2. Animals

    The Littlest Lemurs

    Studies of mouse lemurs may tell us something about our own origins.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Smiles Turn Away Colds

    A good mood and a relaxed attitude help keep colds away.

  4. Math

    How to Slice a Cake Fairly

    Mathematicians work out a fairer way for two people to share cake.

  5. Environment

    Earth-friendly fabrics

    Shirts made from bamboo, socks made from corn, and jackets made from chicken feathers may be in your fashion future.

  6. Planets

    Back to the moon

    NASA unveiled its plans for establishing a base on the moon by the year 2024.

  7. Animals

    A tongue and a half

    A nectar-sipping bat from South America has a skinny tongue that's longer than its body.

  8. Environment

    To catch a dragonfly

    Dragonflies are giving researchers new ways to think about relationships among animals.

  9. Space

    Red dwarfs in the neighborhood

    Astronomers have found 20 previously unknown star systems in Earth's galactic neighborhood.

  10. Space

    Secrets of an ancient computer

    A 2000-year-old astronomical computer could calculate planetary positions and predict eclipses.

  11. Animals

    Lives of a mole rat

    The toothy mammals known as mole rats have highly unusual bodies, brains, and social lives.

  12. Animals

    Chicken talk

    Chickens can make meaningful sounds that, like words, refer to objects around them.
