
Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.

  1. Tech

    Cool Jobs: The power of wind

    Science and engineering careers explore all aspects of wind, from terrible tornadoes to aeronautics and clean energy.

  2. Physics

    How popcorn got its pop

    Popcorn is a popular treat. Now, scientists have learned exactly what happens as it pops. They also have come up with an experiment they hope you will try.

  3. Earth

    Earthquake-triggered lightning?

    An experiment with beads offers support for the claim that a rare type of lightning may accompany some quakes.

  4. Animals

    Dissecting the dog paddle

    Scientists occasionally describe the dog paddle as a “trot,” but that’s not right. When dogs swim, their complicated leg motions look more like a frantic run.

  5. Earth

    Tsunami’s trek traced in the sky

    Scientists photograph atmospheric ripples that followed the March tsunami across the Pacific.
